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Amendment #24 to H.4725 An act for prevention and access to appropriate care and treatment of addiction

In the United States, 2 in 3 incarcerated persons have a substance use disorder, but only about 1 in 10 receives treatment. Due to the lack of treatment options and availability for incarcerated persons, they are more susceptible to overdose once they are released. Amendment #24 to H.4725 establishes a pilot program to start by September 1, 2019 at 5 counties and 3 state correctional facilities, with the goal of expanding treatment for inmates battling substance use disorder. This program allows inmates who have been receiving Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) to combat opioid use disorder, to continue their treatment if it’s deemed appropriate by a qualified addiction specialist. Additionally, upon intake inmates will be examined by a qualified addiction specialist in order to determine their eligibility for MAT treatment in the future during their time at the correctional facility and after their release.


Read the bill here

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